I don't even believe what,i am seeing,someonelse is fucking my girl.I fought battles of biblical proportions, to win Caprice's,love,hand,heart,mind, and beauty. I spent all my money on her,moreover I treated her like a queen!!!.I bought her,a villa,two apartments,and a luxury Ferrari Roma, 2022.Furthermore, I bought her,a lot of jewellery. Also,she was spending,1000 dollars a day.Caprice!!! tu es capricieuse,tu es belle,je t'aime mon amour, bellissima!!!, sei cosi bella, molto bella, ti adoro, ti amo.
Auf einer anderen Pornoseite im Internet habe ich mal Vergleich-Fotos von ein und derselben weiblichen Person gesehen, wie diese Frau nackt bzw. in Unterwäsche aussieht, und dann aber auch in ganz normaler Kleidung. Das finde ich cool-lustig.
Caprice!!!, Capricieuse!!!, Cute!!!, Charming!!!, Classy!!!, come back home baby!!!, i miss you, you are always welcome, bellissima!!!, sei cosi bella, molto bella, sei troppo bella!!!, ti adoro, ti amo!!!, Ditch your new boyfriend, come back to me, your ex.
Can you imagine that she is literally old enough to be the mother of any of those barely legal and teenie whatever newcomers Almost 36 and still one of the most beautiful woman in- and outside of that business, if not even THE most beautiful one.