3 years ago
Caprice my wife fancies you like hell and when we make love shout out your name wishing it was you on top of her. She would love to lick your pussy out giving you multiple orgasms and you doing the same to her whilst I fuck you from behind with my very stiff penis. We are both very much in love with you and would love to take a holiday in a hot country with you. We would not have time for sightseeing as we’ll have been making love every day playing with each other’s bodies and spanking and peeing all the time what fun we would have with you love you very much ????❤️❤️
1 year ago
I'm calling shotgun on the bath water.
7 months ago
Caprice!, tu es Capricieuse!, je t'aime mom amour, tu as une beaute! savage!,( Vasco, 19 ans, je t'aime.tu es magnifique, ma cherie.).
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