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7 months ago
In The New Islamic State Shaq Abdel Rahman better known as the blind shake with be immediately released from Guantanamo Bey to accept his appointment as the ambassador to the United Nations and Dr Ernesto Che Guevara will rise from the Dead to be the global surgeon general and the World Health Organization, National Institutes On Heath and the Center For Disease Control And Prevention will be restricted because they spread more disease than they cure. The Muslim Counsel Of Health , Fitness will be the new health department. I think that Che Guevara will build it in Bolivia, South America. Of course the Heague has outlived it usefulness and the World Court will be moved from Zurich, Switzerland to Farrakhans Holy Mansion in Chicago, Illinois. The Chinese government will have to rebuild Elijah Muhammads Old Mansion on Lake Michigan Drive and implode the old Mansion on 1515 Stoney Island Drive. All is going to give the ayatollah Khomeini 5000 Chinese virgins for wives and as many white concubines as he wants whe He resurrects him and Yasser Arafat, Abu Nidal and Anwar Sadat. The greatest blessing He will give this New World Order will be the resurrection of Malcolm X Shabazz, Jeremiah Shabazz, James Shabazz and the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Oh its gonna be a Great Day in America. Praise be to Allah.
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