10 months ago
yeah i wound love to settle down and yes i am ready to come in i am tired
10 months ago
joe Sullivan is a coder
10 months ago
whos who i dont know? why not take a chance o me?
10 months ago
Same here I dont understand?
5 months ago
I am tired too fed up with wars hurt pain anger rage I the appecenses of love we all become hollow so I asking you kindly please take down the all comments on your Website
5 months ago
My heart hurts aarrr
5 months ago
Who is brian sides
5 months ago
Yes who is Chris burgees I must and will ask
5 months ago
Still waiting hurry up now
5 months ago
5 months ago
Yes who cowpatti stinks of shit
5 months ago
When Ray dies can I feed her to peno
5 months ago
Dafids wiping