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5 years ago
I bet you would look amazing in a white nihgtie, wow what thoughts that brings me akaMM
5 years ago
I can't imagine what it would be like to be close to that amazing body. Not to forget that sexy, sunshine smile akaMM
5 years ago
You are the best, keep smiling and take care of that amazing body akaMM
5 years ago
I just wanted to say, you are still the best. So cute, so sexy, so erotic, you drive me crazy aka MM
5 years ago
I would be willing to do a threesome, that would be all the more pussy to lick
5 years ago
I think the way you look best is just plain naked with a smlie, I mean you are amazing
5 years ago
I would still like to bury my face between those amazing thighs and lick that juicy, creamy pussy, by the way who is going to be the other one aka MM
5 years ago
Your body gets me hard, then I jerk off and fun hard. It is hard to do now because I use both hands and I broke one hand.I hope this all made sense akaMM
5 years ago
Your still the best, and yes I would still like to lick that creamy pussy
5 years ago
I would also like to fondle those breast, and suck and play with those nipples until they are rock hard
5 years ago
Your still the best and I still want to play with those breast, and bury my face in that amazing pussy
5 years ago
I just can't imagine what that amazing wet, creamy pussy must taste like
5 years ago
When I look at that amazingly, sexy body, I think of all the different ways I could give it pleasure, and don't loose that great smile.
5 years ago
Yes I am still looking at your body
5 years ago
In case you were wondering which I am sure you were you are still the best
5 years ago
Yes your still in my thoughts, but they are nice thoughts
5 years ago
After March 10 I will have two hands again Hey
5 years ago
I would sure like to get together sometime
5 years ago
I hope your taking care of that amazing, mouthwatering body, and that bright, sunshine smile
4 years ago
I just wanted to say your still the best, keep smiling during these weird times
4 years ago
You are still always in my thoughts
4 years ago
Well I am busy with my hands tonight not to much else to do
4 years ago
Keep smiling amazing one, you are definitely still best
4 years ago
I still like you way way to much
4 years ago
When I look at your pictures, all the blood goes from my head to my Dick then I get all light headed
4 years ago
You are so cute, so nice, and so HOT
4 years ago
I would still like to taste you
4 years ago
In case you forgot, your still the best
4 years ago
So what are you thinking about?
4 years ago
You still drive me crazy, it's a good crazy though
4 years ago
Hey amazing one, well here I am looking at you again, I m sorry I can't help it. Keep smiling
4 years ago
You look so hot, so erotic, so sexy, and so tasty
4 years ago
I hate to say it but I think I am addicted to your body, and your smile, so keep smiling
4 years ago
I want your body
4 years ago
So what is on your mind?
4 years ago
Im still wondering what's on your mind
4 years ago
Now I am really wondering what's on your mind, keep smiling
4 years ago
You are a very cool, and amazing lady. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I just wanted to say that your still the best
4 years ago
Hey amazing one I sure hope sometime we can spend some time togeather, it would be the best, and happiest time. Keep that sunshine smile, you are the best
4 years ago
I would just love to bury my face between those bum cheeks
4 years ago
I would really enjoy making you feel 10 years younger
4 years ago
You looked really, really good today
4 years ago
And how is the amazing one today, I hope your having a good day. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I hope you think about me every once in a while, because I sure think about you alot. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I just thought I would tell you, you still drive me crazy. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Do you want to do something
4 years ago
I think a amazing lady like you probably taste amazing to. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I almost forgot to tell ya , you are still the best would love to love ya
4 years ago
You are so hot, you drive me crazy
4 years ago
So how is the amazing one today? I was wondering , are you going to have a wet crotch? Keep smiling and keep those nipples hard
4 years ago
I am starting to realize that every thing I always hoped for is just going to keep being a fantasy, because of all the circumstances. But your friendship will always be priceless
4 years ago
Just remember you will always be my fantasy lady, so keep smiling
4 years ago
But I can still fantasize
4 years ago
Hey amazing one you look great today, wow. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Keep smiling, you are still the best!
4 years ago
Like I already said, you really, really, look good today amazing one
4 years ago
You turn me on like no other woman can, that's why you are the amazing one
4 years ago
I would give anything to get together with you, but I just don't see how that can happen!
4 years ago
Thank you for looking so nice, and hot today
4 years ago
I am sorry but sometimes it's more frustration than pleasure when I look at your pictures
4 years ago
Well I am back, horny again looking at your amazing pictures of a amazing woman. Keep smiling
4 years ago
You look really good with a wet crotch, keep smiling
4 years ago
How are you doing I hope well, here I am all horny again looking at you and your pictures. You still look amazing, keep smiling
4 years ago
One thing I don't comment enough on is that sexy, hot, amazing, Bum.
4 years ago
I thought I better say howdy hi your haircut looks really nice, here I am again looking at that fantastic, sexy body. Keep smiling!
4 years ago
How are you today? I guess you caught me looking at your pictures again. I am sorry I can't help it.
4 years ago
Hey I am horny again
4 years ago
I just wanted to say again your haircut looks really good, and the rest of you looks really good to. Keep smiling
4 years ago
You are truly one of a kind, and the best. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I would comment but my hands are busy
4 years ago
I just wanted to say hello, cool, nice, cute, amazing one. Keep smiling
4 years ago
To the amazing one, I hope your having a good day, you were just in my thoughts. But then again what's new, keep smiling
4 years ago
I almost forgot to tell ya, your still the best
4 years ago
I would sure like to be close to you
4 years ago
What are you thinking about right now? I like your thoughts
4 years ago
Happy you know what day, I hope your having a good one. I have a surprise for ya , I will show you sometime, keep smiling
4 years ago
So how are you doing?
4 years ago
Hey there what's going on, I hope your having a great day keep smiling your still the best.
4 years ago
Hey there how is the amazing one? You looked really, really good today. When I was sitting over there, I just wanted to stair at those legs, thighs, and that crotch, keep smiling I will be thinking about you tonight!
4 years ago
After seeing you today, you are the best
4 years ago
I think that the one thing I look forward to the most every summer is watching you work outside in shorts. You are so cute, and so sexy in shorts, keep smiling, and keep wearing shorts
4 years ago
When I see you in shorts, with a smile on your face you are truly the amazing one
4 years ago
I thought I better say hi, sorry I have not been really my self lately, I am trying to pull myself out of it, but it's rough this time. I hope your doing better than me, keep smiling
4 years ago
You still turn me on like crazy, if you want to have a three some I would do that, I would rather do it with one of your friends from the park, because I kind of know them. They all seem pretty cool
4 years ago
If that ever happens it would be a dream come true
4 years ago
I hope your having a great day today, You sure look great today keep smiling
4 years ago
You are such a cute, sweet, sexy lady that's why your the best
4 years ago
Hey sweet, nice, amazing one have a great day
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going, you looked really good today. Your body turns me on so much, keep smilng, keep looking good. You are the best
4 years ago
I just wanted to say again how hot you looked today keep smiling , and looking hot
4 years ago
Sorry I have not commented latley, I thought for sure I would wake-up to see you in shorts, obviously somebody doesn't want you wearing them It kind of bummed my morning out .But if you can't you cant, any keep smiling
4 years ago
Hay there how are you doing? I wanted to say you are the sweetest, nicest, coolest lady . Like I said before in my own way I love ya, you are the best, keep smiling
4 years ago
Wow when can I see you naked now, just kidding, well I am not kidding, but I am kidding. Keep smiling you look great
4 years ago
Hey there how are things going? Sorry I have not commented lately I think I had to much sun. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and your still in my thoughts, nice, nasty thoughts keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there I thought I better say I still want to see you naked with a smile on your face.
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you? You looked very sweet, nice, and cute today, when you wear shorts it always makes me happy, and horny, keep smiling
4 years ago
You turn me on like crazy, when you wear shorts, keep smiling
4 years ago
Howdy Hi I hope you are having a great day, I saw your wearing shorts, so it's going to be another happy, horny day. Keep smiling you are amazing
4 years ago
If you and you know who want to get together sometime, let me know. I don't know maybe you don't even to. I will shutup
4 years ago
Hey there guess who? I will give you three guesses. Hope your doing well, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hello how are you? You look nice today, very nice, I was just thinking about ya. Keep smiling because you already look good.
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you, I just wanted to say spending time there today you looked amazing. Hope you have a good night, keep smiling you are the best
4 years ago
Hey there I just wanted to say every time I have seen you lately you look amazing, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hi there how are you ? I hope your doing well you look very well would sure like to spend sometime with you sometime. Any way keep smiling, and keep looking great
4 years ago
I still want to lick you
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are things going, I wanted to say you looked super good today those shorts are my favorite ones. I wanted to sit down over there but I wasn't sure if would been appropriate, you both looked nice today, but you really turn me on when you wear those shorts. Keep smiling, and keep looking great. You are the best
4 years ago
Have a good night amazing lady, keep smiling
4 years ago
I didn't tell you, your still the best. Keep smiling
4 years ago
How are you this wonderful evening, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going I hope things are wonderfully well I feel like a broken record where I am saying the same thing. I will try to be more creative, but until then keep smiling, and looking good
4 years ago
I am very sorry to startle you, my car pushed the screen out again. I was in no way upset with you, again I am very sorry take care
4 years ago
I wasn't having a bad day but I think she about wrecked it
4 years ago
I will just make it short, you look fantastic today , keep smiling
4 years ago
You are the best, I love the way you look today, amazing, keep smiling
4 years ago
I just wanted to say hi again
4 years ago
The way you looked today, I could just look at you all day long, have a good evening
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going? I hope your having a better day than I am. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Good evening you look nice tonight
4 years ago
I don't know anything else to say other than the fact I am very horny
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you doing on this You have to be one of the coolest ladies I have ever met, one of the coolest looking to.Have a great day, and keep smiling
4 years ago
You are the coolest, and the best
4 years ago
You are looking mighty nice out there getting some sun, and tan, enjoy the day
4 years ago
I just wanted to say that you are truly a amazing lady, and amazing looking, I hope you have a good evening. I will be thinking about ya
4 years ago
I sure like you, keep smiling
4 years ago
You looked really, really good totonight
4 years ago
I am glad you wore that sexy outfit for your husband because there is no way that was for me when he is parked in a chair facing directly at me, so I hope he enjoyed it
4 years ago
I am sorry for what I said I am just a very, very, frustrated person
4 years ago
I am sorry but while thing looked like a set up to catch me looking
4 years ago
I am sorry I am just a mess any more , and I just don't know what to think about any thing any more
4 years ago
I am sorry about everything I said yesterday, I am just not in good shape right now in my head. Please don't hate me
4 years ago
Your friendship is priceless to me , and I just have to try to be happy with that, and quit holding for more, take care and have a good day
4 years ago
I hope you have a very good evening
4 years ago
Well your in my thoughts again, I don't know why this always happens, but keep smiling
4 years ago
You look very cute, and very nice tonight
4 years ago
I never know weather you want me to come over at night when you have your lights on or not, if you want me to come over hint me somehow. I would be more than happy to come over
4 years ago
You are such a amazing looking lady, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hi there seeing you this morning was a great way to start the day, you looked fantastic, keep smiling
4 years ago
After seeing you this morning, you are amazing, and the best. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how are you? I can't get that site of you out there in those shorts, and that t-shirt with that cool breeze blowing through your hair, and that smile on your face, out of my mind
4 years ago
I hope your having a great day,
4 years ago
Wow you look good in black laces shorts, that was very arous ing, you looked great. Keep smiling hot lady
4 years ago
Hey there how are you on this wonderful day, I am sure you look good like always, keep smiling and have a wonderful evening. If I can help any way let me know, by amazing one
4 years ago
That was fun sitting in your backlit chatting with you and you know who, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there you didn't look very happy, I am sorry I hope you are not mad at me. But there is something you need to know. Take care
4 years ago
It makes me feel bad to see you like that, I hope things get better somehow just remember your always in my thoughts
4 years ago
How are you doing?
4 years ago
Just wanted to say hello, hope your having a good day just thinking about ya but what's new, keep smiling
4 years ago
I am sorry I have not been myself I am fighting a bout of frustration but it will pass. Take care
4 years ago
Hey there hope your having a good day, I am trying to keep smiling
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you today? I hope you are doing well I saw you out there last night when I was breaken loose cat food I was not sure you wanted me to say anything but if I see you out there again I will say hi. Keep smiling and have a wonderful day, I will be thinking about ya
4 years ago
I hope you have a pleasant evening, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going? I had fun back there today sitting with you all, you looked great, well you both did. I could not stop looking at you, you looked amazing, keep smiling, and keep looking good
4 years ago
I can't believe how hot you look tonight, WOW
4 years ago
Boy seeing you today made me very horny
4 years ago
How are you this evening, I am thinking about you
4 years ago
Hey there how are you doing? You are such a sweetheart, I think it was you that set this up. So I owe you one whatever you want. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Sometime we are getting togeather, I want to give you pleasure so bad, Keep smiling
4 years ago
I thought I better tell ya, you are the best. Have a great evening amazing one
4 years ago
Hey there how are you? I wanted to thank you again for being so thoughtful, you are the coolest, nicest, and in my eyes the best looking lady I have ever met. That's why I have said before, in my own way I love ya....Keep smiling
4 years ago
Because of that smile, and that body you drive me crazy
4 years ago
I hope you have a good evening, I will be thinking about ya, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going, can't wait to see you after your haircut you always look cute. Hope your having a good day
4 years ago
I love my new, old chesterfield thanks again, you are the best. Keep smiling with your new haircut, and have a great evening
4 years ago
You look very nice this evening, I like your haircut
4 years ago
I take that back you look great tonight...WOW
4 years ago
Hi there how is it going I hope well I just wanted to say again, how nice you looked lastnight. You really looked good, keep smiling, you are amazing
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going, sorry I have not commented latley, believe me it's nothing personal. You look very, very good. Keep smiling
4 years ago
You can say what you think, but I think you look great, I love your smile, and I love your thighs, I love everything about your body. Like I said you are amazing, keep smiling
4 years ago
Happy 4th of july, I hope yours is better than mine. Take care and keep smiling
4 years ago
Forget that very, very nice you look dang , dang , hot
4 years ago
Are you telling me something
4 years ago
There is something you should know about what your husband did. I am not going to put it all in commments
4 years ago
I probably won't be commenting much, because I am in the worst shape mentally I have been in a long time .I am sorry
4 years ago
So how are you today, sorry about having to give you that news, but he made me mad yesterday, when you were both out side, he just kept staring at me to see if I was looking at you and it made me mad after what he did. Take care and try to have a good day. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I am sorry for being so upset, it probably did not help you any. Take care and have a good day, keep smiling, I am trying to
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you doing today, I hope well. I sure wish there was some way to get ttogeather, but that seems impossible. Take care and have a great day, your in my thoughts
4 years ago
Dang it I almost forgot to remind you, you are the best
4 years ago
I am very confused
4 years ago
I like the way you weeded the sidestep while I was at the store. I guess I can take that as a hint. I hope he enjoyed it
4 years ago
I don't know what I did, but I guess I am sorry
4 years ago
I just wanted to say how is it going, and I hope you have a great day, and keep smiling
4 years ago
Just wanted to say you look great
4 years ago
I just wanted to say again , you look great today, every time I see you I go wow there she is. You are amazing
4 years ago
I love those blue shorts, you look very, very good, keep smiling
4 years ago
I will say one thing, no lady has ever had a effect on me like you do
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going, I wanted to say you are such a sweetheart for wearing those shorts again. You are the best, have a great day, because you look great
4 years ago
Can I tell you again how amazing you look, I will shut up now. Keep smiling
4 years ago
So how are you on this wonderful evening
4 years ago
I can't believe your willing to have a friendly chat with the lady that was involved in this thing, and I can't even see you, this is all killing me inside. I guess I just have to realize that nothing is ever going to happen, and again that just kills me inside
4 years ago
I hate my life
4 years ago
I maybe should not have said everything I said, I am not upset with you at all. I still think you are one amazing lady, keep smiling and have a great day.....I still love those blue shorts
4 years ago
Just to let you know, I would still love to love ya, and lick ya
4 years ago
Hey there, I hope your having a good day. You are in my thoughts, try to keep smiling
4 years ago
Well I hate to tell ya, but they did it again. I I think you know what I mean, so if you want to just let me know, we can include your friend if you want. But you have every fire now, so think about it. Take care
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you, I hope good . I can't believe how amazing you look, I know I probably sound like a broken record but I can't help it. Have a great day, and keep smiling you are the best
4 years ago
How are you doing on this warm, wonderful evening? I hope you are doing well. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I just wanted to say hi how are you doing? I am just thinking about ya, keep smiling
4 years ago
Sorry I have not commented lately I hope your doing well
4 years ago
I still would like to get together with you two, I bet it would be a lot of fun,keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going on this very nice day? I hope your having a great one. Keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
I just wanted to say hello again, tell you know who I said hello. Take care, have a good evening, and keep smiling
4 years ago
I just want everybody to know I am not mad at anybody, I just hate my life
4 years ago
I have just been very, very, depressed lately, I feel like am going to be jerking off to pictures the rest of my life and that's it. It's a pretty depressing thought. Take care
4 years ago
That's probably what I will be doing tonght, jerking off to your pictures,keep smiling
4 years ago
I guess I better say have a good evening, and keep smiling
4 years ago
Let me rephrase that, you are the best, and you know who is pretty cool to. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I just wanted to ask, so do you have a wet crotch right now. I like the looks of that, keep it wet
4 years ago
Sorry I have not commented lately I am just not doing well right now. But take care
4 years ago
Hey there Hi there, how are you today? I hope well just wanted to say hi and hope you have a great day. Keep smiling
4 years ago
You are still amazing looking, and you are still the best
4 years ago
What would it take to get close to you, let me know sometime, because I sure would like to get to you, keep smiling
4 years ago
I would sure love to love ya, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there, how are you ? I hope your day is going well, you look great as always. Keep smiling and don't forget about me, just kidding, take care amazing one
4 years ago
I like your lights
4 years ago
I just wanted to say hi
4 years ago
Hey there how are you on this nice sunny day? I hope you are enjoying it. Sorry I have not been myself lately, I'm trying to get back to the old Michael again. Just thinking about ya, take care, and keep smiling
4 years ago
I will tell ya I don't think I ever met a lady that turns me on the way you do. You are amazing
4 years ago
If you two, and I think you know who I mean ever need some company just let me know. I would be more than happy to. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going, I thought I better tell you I am starting to like you way to much, and it is driving me crazy
4 years ago
I am having trouble jerking off and cumming, because I have such a longing to just touch your skin, instead of just looking at your pictures. Don't get me wrong I still like looking at your pictures. Keep smiling you are the best, take care
4 years ago
Hey there how are you on this wonderful day? You look very good. Would love to love ya, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey again amazing one, you are the best, the very best
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you? Sorry I didn't comment yesterday it was kind of a rough day. But today is anouther day and a darn good one at that, just thinking about you. I hope you have a great day today because you deserve it, keep smiling
4 years ago
When I say I have been thinking about you, I mean I think nice thoughts about you, and sweet, nasty, thoughts about you. So it's all good
4 years ago
Hey there, Hi there, how are you on this wonderful day? I hope your doing as well as you look, because you look fantastic today. Have a great day, and keep smiling
4 years ago
Seeing you today really makes me want to love ya, and lick ya. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Let me rephrase that, lick ya, and love ya
4 years ago
I have not told you amazing one yet today, you are the best
4 years ago
If you do want me to come over, I don't know when it where you want me go, so signal me somehow
4 years ago
You don't have to worry, I promise I won't bite
4 years ago
I guess maybe if I was a female you would still talk to me after the sun goes down
4 years ago
I am sorry about the last comment, I just better not comment today
4 years ago
Hey there , sorry about yesterday I hate when I have those days like that.. I think I am doing better today, and I hope your having a great day. Keep smiling and take care
4 years ago
Just remember in my own way, I will always ya, so keep smiling
4 years ago
What are you doing on this wonderful evening? If you need a hand let me know. I will be more than happy to help! With anything
4 years ago
And I mean anything
4 years ago
I realize your going through a lot right now, so I will do my best to say happy. Take care, and keep smiling because you have a great one
4 years ago
I think you better scroll through your pornpics
4 years ago
I almost forgot have a good evening, I promise, I will just stay here
4 years ago
Hey there amazing one, well you know what I am going to say, you are the best. Have a good evening
4 years ago
Howdy Hi amazing one how are you doing? Sorry I haven't commented untill now but that does not mean you were not in my thoughts. You look very nice tonight, take care and have a nice evening! And try to keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how are you? You looked amazing today, that's one reason your the amazing one, because you always look amazing. Then there are those times like today where you look really, really, amazing. So take care amazing one and have a great day
4 years ago
I just thought you should know I love every part of your body, you are truly one of a kind, and the best. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how are you on this wonderful day? Sorry I didn't comment or say hi yesterday I had about 3 hours of sleep the night before. But take care, keep smiling, and have a great day amazing one
4 years ago
I guess I have not told you yet, your the best luv ya
4 years ago
I know I should not say it, but not I would sure love to bury my face in that amazing pussy
4 years ago
Hello there how are you doing today, on another nice day? You look very, very nice today, actually you look fatastic. Keep smiling amazing one, because you look amazing
4 years ago
I sure wish I could cl,use to you , the one thing I need is just that human touch, but I know that's difficult to do, but take care, you look great, and keep smiling
4 years ago
And believe me I still think your the best, by far and away, I have never met a lady like you, you have so many good qualities about you, O K I will shutup
4 years ago
I just wanted to say in my own way I do,truly luv you
4 years ago
I could look at you all day long in that outfit, and enjoy every minute of it.
4 years ago
Hey there, you are a super wonderful lady. I just wanted to say have a wonderful evening, and keep smiling
4 years ago
Well I kind of said hello already, that was fun this morning, except I had a hard time not looking at those thighs, you looked great, take care and have a great day. I love those thighs
4 years ago
I am sorry but I have to tell you again ,in my own way I luv ya, you looked great out there working ,I mean you looked great. Keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
I have not told you yet but in my eyes you are truly the best
4 years ago
I almost feel like I should say thank you for dressing so nice, I enjoy it very much when you do. You always look so d good, I mean very good
4 years ago
I have to tell ya, I am still thinking about those thighs, I can't get them out of mind. I love them
4 years ago
I hope you have a great evening, and yes I am still thinking about those thighs, keep smiling
4 years ago
I am still thinking about those I will have to say amazing thighs, O my goodness, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hay there, Hi there, how are you on this hot sunny day, I hope your doing well. I can't believe I am telling you this because it's kind of personal, but I am suddenly having trouble cumming, looking at your pictures so it's been very frustrtating, I mean I think the world of you,and your body drives me crazy, so I can't figure it out. But anyway take care and keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
Luv ya amazing one, and remember you are the best, keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there how are you doing, I hope great I just wanted to say hi, and I would sure like to get together with you some time. I want to give you pleasure in a few different ways . I want to put a smile on your face
4 years ago
So what are you doing on this wonderful evening
4 years ago
Sweet dreams, and have very nice evening, amazing one
4 years ago
Hey there, Howdy Hi how are you doing, I was thinking about ya but don't worry because all my thoughts are nice thoughts, or sweet, nasty, nice, thoughts. I hope you have a great day. P. S. You looked nice this morning. Keep smiling
4 years ago
I have not told you yet amazing one, your the best! So keep smiling
4 years ago
How are you doing this evening
4 years ago
Hey there, how is it going? If I upset you some how I am very sorry that was not my intentions, I think the world of you, and again I am sorry. Take care
4 years ago
Hay there how are you today? You look great. I hope your day is going better than mine, I am having a very frustrating day, but maybe it will get better. Any way take care and have a great day, and keep smiling. Again you look really, really, good
4 years ago
I have not told you yet, gosh darnnet, but you are still best, amazing one
4 years ago
I would sure love to love ya
4 years ago
Hay there, how are you doing, I hope better than me, but anyway, I hope you have a great day. You look great as usual, keep smiling amazing one, you are the best
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going? I hope well, I am having a personal problem, that is very frustrating right now, but I just wanted to say have a great day, and keep smiling
4 years ago
I have not been myself for awhile, so please don't get upset or mad at me, I am not doing very good right now
4 years ago
If you ever want to talk or chat in the evenings let me know, you might have to make it obvious , or I might miss it, like I said I have not been myself, and I could easily miss something
4 years ago
Howdy, Hi amazing one, you look great today as usual, I hope you have a great day. Please keep smiling, because you have a great one, and you are the best
4 years ago
It would sure be fun to get together with you
4 years ago
I could be your santa, and give you a real toy to play with, and it can also be a all day sucker, have a great day
4 years ago
Hey there, Hi there, how is it going on this pleasant day, I hope your having a great day. Take care and if course, keep smilivng.I would like to call you in the evening but I am afraid you might get upset
4 years ago
Sorry amazing one, I am still not the old me, but I wanted to say you are the best. I would still like to get togeather
4 years ago
If your nervous about getting togeather, you don't have to be, I would be very gentle, and very nice, I would treat you like gold
4 years ago
Hey there how is it going? Sorry I have not commented lately I am kind of going crazy, but anyway take care and have a great day
4 years ago
I will say I think a lot about how nice it would be just to be close to your body
4 years ago
Howdy Hi amazing one, how are you today on this wonderful day? You look great, keep smiling, and take care. You are the best
4 years ago
I don't know how you do it, but you look more amazing all the time, I guess that's why your so amazing, keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
I would sure like to spend some time with you, and that great smile
4 years ago
Just remember, I am the the one that should be nervous, and shy, it's been 13 or more years, since I have even been naked with another woman, but I would really love for you to be the next, I only say that because I think world of you
4 years ago
I just want you to know I am not trying to pressure you just so you know take care and keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there Hi there, how is the amazing one today? I hope your having a great day. I was just thinking about ya ,it seems like I do that a lot lately. Take care and keep smiling, you are the best
4 years ago
What are you doing this evening, keep smiling
4 years ago
I would sure love to love ya, keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
I saw where you are wearing my favorite shorts, please keep those on for a while so I can see you, you look so good in those, take care
4 years ago
I guess you wore those dark blue shorts for your last friends, because it sure wasn't for me. Take care and have a good day, It kind of broke my heart you never came outside in them, because of the weather change you will probably not wear them again
4 years ago
I am sorry for what I said, any more I am a mental wreak over it all, and sometimes I say things, that later I wish I hadnt. So take care again I am sorry
4 years ago
Again I want to say I am sorry, and I think the whole problem is we are both nervous as hell, but take care and keep smiling. I still will always think you are the best
4 years ago
Hey there amazing one, how are you doing? One thing I better do is wish you a happy Labor day weekend, take care, and keep smiling, you are the best
4 years ago
But always remember, in my own way , I love ya
4 years ago
Hey there amazing one, how is it going? I had fun sitting over, and thank you very much for the food, you are such a sweetheart, take care, and keep smiling, you are the best
4 years ago
Howdy Hi amazing one, how is your day I hope your doing well . You look great today, thank you for wearing those shorts, again you are such a sweet heart, take care and keep smiling,you are the best
4 years ago
Hey there, if you have a wet crotch, I would be more than happy to help you out with that. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there amazing one, sorry I did not comment yesterday it was a weird gloomy day. But how are you doing, I hope staying warm. This is why I get depressed in the winter,is because I don't get to see you as much, I miss those morming, good mornings.I guess I should just say, I miss you during the winter months,but take care, and keep smiling your always in my thoughts
4 years ago
I would sure like to be with ya, just keep that in your thoughts, and keep smiling, because you are the best
4 years ago
That's one reason , your the best, is because you make my mouth water, and you make my Dick go hard, keep smiling
4 years ago
You look really, really good with a wet crotch
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you today? I hope your doing well and staying warm. I was just thinking about ya, but what's new, anyway take care and have a great day. Take care of that amazing body
4 years ago
I better tell ya amazing one, you are the best, keep smiling. I would sure like to see that amazing body, and that amazing smile
4 years ago
I would still like to get together, if you would feel more comfortable with a friend there to that's fine, as long as it's female of course, just as long as I can see you. Take care, and keep smiling
4 years ago
Howdy Hi how are you doing on this great day? I hope your doing well, I just had to tell you, I love your body. You are the best, keep smiling
4 years ago
I just hope someday I could see your body in front of me , instead of a picture, I would have a raging hardon, and orgasm like crazy, keep smiling
4 years ago
I know I already told you, your the best, but I have not said you are also the amazing one
4 years ago
My Dick is getting bored with my hands
4 years ago
Hey there amazing one, how are you doing? Sorry I have not commented lately I hope you are not mad. I feel like I say the same thing every day and I am like a broken record. But believe me I still think the world of you, so keep smiling, and have a great day, you are the best
4 years ago
I would still love to get close to your amazing body
4 years ago
I will confess, I do love looking at your amazing , mouth watering, pussy
4 years ago
There is so many amazing things about you, I guess that's why I call you the amazing one, now days you look truly amazing, you really look great. Your like a bottle of fine wine, you get better with age, because like I said now days you look amazing. Keep smiling
4 years ago
Hey there Hi there how are you, just thinking about ya, o.k. I am looking at pictures to, but I can't help it. I love your body, but take care and have a great evening. Keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
Hey there , how is it going on this very nice day? I hope your having a good one. I just had to say Hi, any way keep smiling, your always in my thoughts!
4 years ago
I have not got to see ya much lately, sadly I think as the months get colder, I will hardly get to see you at all. That's why my winters are so depressing
4 years ago
Hey there Hi there, how are you on this wonderful day? I saw you wave hi, that was very sweet of you. I hope you have a great day because you deserve it, keep smiling amazing one, because you are the best
4 years ago
I would sure like to see that amazing, sexy , one of a kind, body. It is truly amazing, and so is that smile
4 years ago
I just wanted to say, you look really, really, good today I like your haircut. I mean you really do look good, keep smiling
4 years ago
I wanted to say your legs look fantastic, of course the rest of you does to, keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
Hey there, Hi there, how are you doing, I am sure your looking good as usual. That was a pleasant surprise last night thank you for that, what time are you going to be here tonight, take care and have a very good evening, if I can help let me know. Keep smiling amazing one
4 years ago
Hey there Hi there how are you today on this very nice day? I hope your doing great. Your always in my thoughts, like I said in my own way I love ya. Please remember it's been about 14 years so it's hard to smile all the time, because I want to be with you instead of looking at pictures, not that I don't like your pictures I have been looking at them for a long time. I care the world about ya, don't ever think other wise. I just wish I could see you more. Keep smiling
4 years ago
If I didn't care about ya, I would not spend so much time on one comment
4 years ago
I want to explain my different reactions to your picture sets with guys I can fatasize about that happening to me, then my brain starts thinking about this guy having the special expereince of spending time with you when all I have done is just fantasize about it
4 years ago
I would give my right arm to spend with you, wait a minute make that my left arm, my right arm is still good
4 years ago
I just wanted to tell you, you are the best
4 years ago
Hey there, how are you today I hope well. That was a fun change of pace last night, we will have to see where it goes from here. I am kinda excited. Take care amazing one, you are one cool lady, and pretty hot and erotic to, keep smiling, see you later
4 years ago
I did not think she was seeing him any more, I don't know what think about anything now
4 years ago
I know you need her night to tell you what's going on, but I am a pretty sensitive , lonely guy, and that just really hurts.
4 years ago
Don't get me wrong, I still have feelings for you
4 years ago
It saddens me to think that getting naked with you, is just always just going to be a fantasy
4 years ago
I just wanted to say one more thing, I don't want to get naked just to have sex. I want to do it because I care a while lot about ya, I want you to know that
4 years ago
If you want, you can still come over, like I said you need her night to tell you what's going on anyway
4 years ago
That guy you live with can go to hell
4 years ago
Hey there Hi there, how are you today I hope good. Did you like my show I put on, I hope you did,. I tried to make it good, take care and keep smiling amazing one, because you are the best P. S. When do I get to see your body, I would truly love to
4 years ago
Hi are you this evening? I hope you are doing ok, I hope you can enjoy this evening, that was kind of funny by the way. Take care always amazing one, you are the best P. S. I still really like yk
1 year ago
J’aimerais bien que tu me baise mon ti cul avec ton superbe dildo et après je te baisse le tient
1 year ago
Tu est trop bonne tu aimes bien les grosses queues dans ta belle chatte et ton joli cu de belles salope
1 year ago
C est quoi cette vielle salope avec un sexe d homme un travesti sans doute mais pourquoi pas l enculer tout en masturbant sa queue ça doit être une bonne expérience
1 year ago
Cum catching granny
11 months ago
Grandma Libbey, I want you pussy to cum shoot inside your pussy.
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