6 months ago
I want to lick and stick that one! When I was about 35 I was banging this 22 yr-old Mexican girl and her 41 year old mother.! They lived about 6 miles from each other. I would spend the night with one of them don’t spend the night with the other. I met the mom first and then we had dinner at her daughter’s house. She had mentioned something about her TV not working properly so I went over and had a look at it and next thing Idon’t spend the night with the other. I met the mom first and then we had dinner at her daughters house. She had mentioned something about her TV not working properly so I went over and had a look at it and next thing I know. She has swallowed everything that I shot ! Banged them both for about 2 years! damn good stuff. I miss it.!
4 months ago
I want to fill her up !
3 months ago