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1 year ago
So hot i could fuck her all day and make her cum
0 years ago
Time to blow a wad boys!
1 month ago
She was once my massage therapist when a I went to a massage spa located in a strip mall in riverside CA. Back in 2019. True story - i did get a happy ending (handjob) massage from her. She did NOT allow me to kiss her or touch any of her private parts. She wore a similar dress to the one she wears in this photo shoo. I paid her $300. And was willing to pay more for touching but she mentioned she was married and the conversation got weird after that. But I’m glad she had nude pictures of herself on the internet, so I can at least masturbate to them. She is a beautiful woman. I’m glad I got to meet her in person. Never think she would get this famous. .
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