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2 years ago
Wow wow wow, Ooooouf ooooouf ooooouf, Oulala oulala oulala, Nice nice nice, Hot hot hot, Miaw miaw miaw, Mwah mwah mwah, What a Beautiful, Beyond, Belief, SuperStarModel1!!!.
2 years ago
I really like, and love, the 5th picture, from the top, one of the best picture shot ever!!!.It is picturesque, you look absolutely, Stunning, Spectacular, Splendid, Superb, Seductive, Sweet, Sexual, Sensual, Sensational, Supersexy, Superstarmodel1!!!.Elite Modeling Agency, Barcelona, Good Luck!!!.
2 years ago
We would love to see, Milena on the big screen, in Hollywood!!!.Baby!!!, have the courage, and the ability to take action, no option, but action. Submit your profile, and capabilities, to Hollywood!!!.Bellissima!!!, sei cosi bella, molto bella, ti adoro, ti amo!!!.
7 months ago
Life isn't perfect, but baby, you are perfect!. Perfect!, pure, pretty!, passionate, princess!. Absolutely, beyond 100% perfection!, 136%.
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