Ehdota tai muokkaa tämän gallerian otsikkoa:
1 year ago
ooh they got her eye makeup right. that's hot
11 months ago
This blonde big butt beauty resembles my hot cousin Diana who spent more time after school on my bed than anywhere else . I loved her nice big white butt and usually preferred fucking her than my regular girlfriends or even my hot stepsisters. We always had unprotected sex and she loved it when I would cum deep inside her sweet pink pussy . It's a wonder I didn't knock her up I had always suspected she was on birth control and never admitted to it though , but thats ok we had the time of our lives during our teens and early twenties before we shipped off to college . Even though were both married and with families of our we often look back with no regrets and both admit we would do it all over again if we had the chance !
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