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7 years ago
Who doesn’t like Lady Sonia. In the business for 36 years at the age of 59 and still introducing young lads to the art of masturbating. I have squirted countless times to this sexy and beautiful ladies pics fantasizing about fucking her. Keep up the great work my lady. You are sexier than the young fish lipped silicon injected girls in their 20s and 30s.
1 year ago
Sexy mommy.
5 years ago
59 and 34F-24-35, indeed better looking than models half her age. Great legs and high heels model. Keeping going lady Sonia.
5 years ago
Stunning lady. Visual viagara. She triggers buttons in me. Probably because she reminds me of my own beautiful and sexy mom who I was very, very close to. Moms boobs were not as large, but every bit as beautiful looking.
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