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3 years ago
love to lick your wet pink pussy while you suck my cock then fuck you for hours and fill you with my cum
2 years ago
I wish I fall with you.I would like to buy some roses and some chocolate candy for you because I care about you. I would like see you in sexy long dress with make up lipstick and red nail polish.I would like to ask if you would like to go out dinner with me to nice restaurant just the two of us. The restaurant I would ask for a candlelight champagne or wine or anything else you would like. I would like to ask you if I could have a kiss your soft lips with lipstick red and ask you if I could hug you if it’s not too much trouble and if it’s OK with you. I would like to ask you if I could dance with you very close to you because I like to dance with you. You are very beautiful sexy hot intelligent and interesting woman that I would like to be with you. I would like to ask if I could date you and I would like to know if you’re available please let me know please
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