5 years ago
You are so right Sofia , I will always want to listen more carefully , and take the right actions , highlight your moment with equal attention . will you give another chance , I need to fix this for you . Right now I'm trying to starve all the stupid out of me , of course that could never be enough for you to feel better. Mostly you are better than all this . Please give me a chance to give you the satisfaction for all you were meaning to do . Please let's cary on and make this work. All this is for you . All that appeals to you of me ,for all that you have in mind ,I must be obedient ,caring ,understanding , sensitive to not complicate things over selfish acts to control something my way. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm crushed I'm disobedient and ashamed .please give to to me a fresh chance to change . I like you alot ,so very much you know . All about us is all about all of you ,and that all of me is how I will never want to disobey you Sofia . You have to know I need to make this good for you . everyone should see a second chance can become very beautiful and happy . Sofia Rodas I care to love and cherish you. Please forgive now this time . Al .
2 years ago
I love women like you who show their clit! Somptuous!
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