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8 months ago
My wife's gf told her she was going toi a friends for a drink suggested she go along. So they went together her friend was a black man, over 6 ft tall he was shirtless in shorts. He fixed them drinks as he handed my wife her drink he looked down her blouse said nice smiled. Her friend introduced Jeannie to Jacob as they were getting acquainted her gf told Jacob that Jeannie has a husband who in my opinion is a dork. She was sitting he stood over her with his crotch just inches from her face. She was intimidated nervous thought she needed to leave. She started to get up saying she needed to leave her gf pushed her down said no you agreed to come here now stay. With that she put her arms around my wife pinched her tits unsnapped her bra. Jacob then undid my wife's blouse felt her tits said you will love my cock! She yelled said no, stop this, I need to go, I am married, no stop but he was stripping her totally. She knew she was done for. Her friend had set her up. Soon Jacob was fucking my wife while her gf took pics. Later she showed my wife the pics said Jim (her husband) is gonna love seeing these pics. My wife started crying saying no please don't do this she said OK well if you do what Jacob wants the pics will remain private. Jacob has a smile on his face said all you need to do is let me fuck you whenever I want, OK. My wife said OK.
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