Sweet!!! smile of the morning, your wind carries me on, peaceful breeze!!!.Sweet!!! smile of the morning, your wind carries off my agony, peaceful breeze!!!.Because your sweet!!! smile, will unite nations. Because your sweet!!! smile, lights up, a football stadium( you remind me of my ex-girlfriend Debby,we used to drive every weekend, from Beverly Hills , to Las Vegas, and party hard in Vegas).I love you!!!, ich liebe dich, je t'aime, te quiero, ti amo!!!.
Single, Taken, Hungry ( either for, emotional back up, and nutrition, or sex), but for sure, you are, beautiful!!!, young, fresh, cute, sweet, nice, nice, nice, unique, super sexy hot!!!, and breedable indeed!!!.
Incredible!!!, Impressive!!!, Innocent!!!, Inducing, and Inducting, Irresisitibility!!!. Deliciously Irresistible!!!.A stunning beauty!!!, a dream!!! girlfriend(sometimes dreams!!!, are better than realities.)(So baby!!!, let me dream, imagine, and fantasize of you, my pure!!!, pretty!!!, perfect!!!, passionate!!!, princess!!!.).