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3 years ago
2 years ago
Get ahold of me I want to f*** you and take care of you and eat you and come on over you come on all over me
1 year ago
Very hot ????
1 year ago
I've seen regular looking Australian people, so I know they exist. Every chick on Abby Winters looks like a fuckin' weirdo. I guess that's their subgenre or whatever.
1 year ago
Very hot ????.
1 year ago
I genuinely AM a regular-looking Australian person, and I promise we do exist! Most people say I'm actually good-looking, as opposed to regular... and I'm pretty sure Australians are known worldwide for being a pretty good looking bunch of people as a whole. I can assure you, the sub-genre thing is accurate when it comes to Abby Winters stuff. They seem to just find the hairest, most awkward looking lesbians they can.... then say "Hey can I take photos of you naked?" Then followed up by "No, you can't have five minutes to make yourself look presentable.... we MUST take the photos RIGHT NOW!!!" Hahaha
1 year ago
This girl is beautiful. I don't know what you're looking at.
0 years ago
All natural! What about the blue hair. That's about as natural as a chicken driving a fishing boat!
8 months ago
So sexy and hot .
8 months ago
Dimitra you are very beautiful woman ❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?
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