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2 years ago
Jelolt!!!, Jolie!!!, Joy, Jouer.
2 years ago
Monika!!!, Magnificent!!!, Majestic!!!, Magnetic!!!, Marry, Me, May, Model!!!.
2 years ago
Wow ! Your girls are beautiful godesses..thank you for sharing them here.
2 years ago
Bellissima la fighetta aperta
1 month ago
Monika!, You Are Absolutely, Gorgeous!, Elegant, and Classy!(This is a true story, you look exactly like Maggy, a beautiful girl that works, in a supermarket, near my house, so during Valentines, i prepared a gift for her, a delicate flower, a poem, a perfum, a diamond ring, and cash, while i was giving it to her, she pushed me, i fell on the ground, i was so embarrassed, my face turned red, because everyone knows me, i am very famous around here, i write the lyrics of movies, and commercials, thats what happened, and I am still, imagining, dreaming, and fantasizing of you, and her, sometimes dreams are better than realities, i love you!, ich liebe dich, je taime,te quiero, ti amo!).
1 year ago
I would give my first borns' soul to tongue punch that fart box every night for the rest of my life... Looks delicious. ????.
1 year ago
I just came in her mmm
6 months ago
MMM tasting the soles of her sweaty socks. Then fucking the soles of her socked teenage feet with my dripping wet African cougar pussy!
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