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0 years ago
Andrea!, Awesome, Amazing!, Adorable, Attractive!, Acrobatic, Athletic!, Amore, Amor!, Amour, Aim!, Act, And!, Achieve, Actress1!. C!, Cute, Charming!, Classy, Celebrity!.
0 years ago
Stunning!, Spectacular, Splendid!, Superb, Sensitive!, Seductive, Seductora!, Sweet, Super Sexy!, Sensual Senses, Secret Senses!, Simping, Sweetheart!, Sunshine, Silent Storm!, Soooo Sexy, SuperStarModel1!.
0 years ago
A gorgeous! model!, worth dying for, bella! da morire, belle! de mourire. Couldn't be more, beautiful!.
0 years ago
Wife, Gorgeous!, Materials, Soulmate, Prototype. Baby, I Love You!, and I Love, Your Pleasure Love Holes. Bellissima!, Sei Cosi Bella, Molto Bella, Sei Troppo Bella, E, Ti Adoro, Ti Amo!.
0 years ago
Absolutely, Unfucking Believable, Unreal, Gorgeous!, Stunning, Super Sexy Hot!, and Deliciously Irresistible, Couldn't Be More, Beautiful!.Beyond 100% Perfection, 136%.
0 years ago
Lovely, Lady, Landing, On a, SuperStarModel!, Yacht, Party.
0 years ago
A stunning beauty!, a dream! girlfriend ,( sometimes dreams, are better, than realities.).
0 years ago
The sun! through the wave, a roof full of stained glasses, overcut crystal.
0 years ago
Prologue of love!, waves crashing ocean rocks, the harbour is brightened.
0 years ago
Sweet! smile of the evening, your wind carries off my agony, peaceful breeze.
0 years ago
Sweet! smile of the morning, your wind carries me on, peaceful breeze.
11 months ago
Bellissima!, Beautiful, Bella!, Belle, Bonita!, Best, Brilliant!, Brave, Beyond!, Belief, Bravo!, Bravissimo.
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