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2 months ago
Viewers. This ignorant dumb ass white boy does not have a big dick. He pulls on it or pushes his lil marbles back to make it look like he's got a big dick. From his scenes, I'm guessing he's about 6 inches trying to pull a extra inch out. Pencil dick.
3 weeks ago
I have never been particularly awe-struck with or by Kelly. Don’t get me wrong, she is an attractive woman by all standards. The things about Kelly that I admire most, is her business acumen, she was far ahead of the curve in establishing her own brand(s), production studios, and marketing strategies. Most impressively, she has enabled, empowered, and employed her husband “Ryan” to creampie some of the most beautiful women in the world all year round for over 20-years! She has given him a life only the most powerful emperors on earth have been able to experience… but with a broader and more discerning ability to handpick the women from anywhere in the world.
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